Sunday, February 14, 2010


The good news is, I read more of my last book before I returned it to the library. I was early for an appointment at Planned Parenthood to refill my birth control and stumbled upon the chapter about sex. I couldn't help but read aloud to my roommate. What we learned is that we are all living our lives by poor moral standards, both men and women, and that we need to shape up and quit coveting thy neighbor's wife. Personally, my neighbor doesn't have a wife so I don't think I'll be able to find that to be very difficult.

The new number for this week was 345.67. I apologize for not posting sooner but I've been having some medical issues then had to leave town so it's been a bit of a hectic week. The book closest to my number was The Pizza Connection by Shana Alexander. Written by 'America's finest court reporter' it chronicles the largest and longest running criminal court case to ever be held in federal court (in 1988). 22 Mafia defendents were accused of a $1.65 billion heroin smuggling and money laundering conspiracy that streched from Europe to New York to Brazil and beyond. I sound like a book blurb writer.

Anyway, there is a picture in the front cover if the book laying out the court room. It took three rows to seat all of the defendents because there were so many of them along with an equal amount of defense attorneys. I'm a little short on time this morning so I'll say that it starts by describing each of the bad guys then the court room then all of the bad things they did and the official things the judge did. I'll give you more when I'm back in Marquette.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this actually sounds like an interesting book! But why is it called "The Pizza Connection??" I'd like to know.
